Putts, Pars, and Pearls for WLN

Cindy Voliva

The Wildhorse Lady Niners (WLN) finally played a much-anticipated round at Grapevine Golf Course in September after having to cancel back in June because of rain. The theme, picked by Travel Chair Joyce Condit, was “Putts, Pars, and Pearls.” Sixty-nine ladies participated. Most were decked out in their black WLN team shirts, white skirts or shorts, and more pearls (necklaces, bracelets, and earrings) than any golf course had ever seen.

While the tournament was originally billed as just for fun, the group still celebrated the efforts of individual teams that played the course well. In first place, with the lowest gross score of -1, were Betsy Duncan, Linda Lilley, and Jaynie Gornik. In second place were Lucy Lindsey, Janet Bracken, Jan Lands, and Sandra Hickman. Tied for third place were Gina Ross, Brenna Aston, Sandra Waggoner, and Machelle Burtless and Joyce Condit, Tracy Hagerson, Suzy Spangler, and Laura Jordan.

Lunch together on the patio was a delicious Chipotle chicken bowl accompanied by lots of laughs and stories.

The next travel will be an overnight trip to Glen Rose, Texas. The course is only about an hour and a half from the Ranch, and spots are still available for WLN members.