Lt. Col. (Ret.) Allen B. West
Amy Enloe
Our annual Christmas Banquet, held on Dec. 4, with Guest Speaker LTC Allen West was a great success. Over 230 people enjoyed an evening of Christmas music provided by our own Rebecca Bafford, a delicious meal, and an inspirational talk by Col. West. After the speech there was some Q&A; then attendees had ample opportunity to meet and talk with Col. West one-on-one.
Next up for the club will be a meeting on Feb. 5 at the Clubhouse. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., with the meeting at 7 p.m. Denton County Commissioner Dianne Edmondson will give us updates on what is happening in the county.
Beginning Jan. 6 and continuing for several weeks, we will have a voter registration table at the Clubhouse each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9-11 a.m. If you are new to Denton County or have just moved within the area, you will need to re-register or do an address change. If you are unsure if you are registered or need to re-register, stop by our table and we can help you.
The Denton County GOP will have their annual Lincoln-Reagan Dinner at the Denton Embassy Suites on Feb. 15, 2020. Their guest speaker is Candace Owens who exploded onto the scene a couple of years ago with her conservative voice. Information about the event as well as purchasing tickets may be found on the Denton County GOP website dentongop.org.
All Robson Ranch residents are invited to our monthly meetings held the first Wednesday evening of each month!