For the 61st Annual Wurstfest (Nov. 4-13) Robson Ranch’s own Bob DiFonzo was selected as the prestigious “Grosse Opa,” and his wife Paula was the “Grosse Oma.” This is a high honor and is given to those who serve over a number of years in this charity-based event for non-profits. Bob and Paula have been serving in Wurstfest since 2004. This annual, 11-day festival celebrating bratwurst in the Central Texas German population area draws over 175,000 attendees. Wurstfest now has permanent structures inside the city limits of New Braunfels with four stages and numerous food, drink, and German heritage souvenirs.
Along with every type and style of bratwurst, there are various German food selections, such as salted radish (Radi), pickles (Essiggurken), sausage salad (Wurstsalat), cold pork roast, spread cheese (Obazda/Obatzter), and family-size pretzels that can feed at least four, and many desserts, and there might be a little bit of beer found. The attire includes Bavarian hats (with many event pins), a dirndl for women, and lederhosen for men (or plaid shirts and jeans).
The music includes both traditional polka but also “modern polka” with many tunes put to classic rock songs and other sing-along sports arena songs. Some of those bands include Molly B, the Chardon Polka Band, and the Die Bayrischen Hiatamadin (all-female band). Check these bands out on YouTube or other sites to hear some new takes on polka music.
Bob and Paula also had local RR residents support this year as first-timers to the festival. Local attendees include Steve and Susan Beggs, Tim and Amy Bowman, Bob and Irene Romagosa, Tom and Susan Michelsen, and Tony and Rosey Ross.