Rough Riders Night Out


Paul Giller

“Play Ball” is heard by a group of 52 Robson men and women several times during the baseball season from April until the middle of August. The “AA” Frisco Rough Riders are an affiliate of the Texas Rangers, which plays seven other minor league teams.

For several years, our group has attended a series of eight Frisco Rough Riders games during the season. We have reserved seating just behind home plate, high up so there are very few steps to go down, and the area is always shaded. Our tickets are $152, include covered parking and “all you can eat” hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken sandwiches, nachos, popcorn, peanuts, and a cold drink bar.

To save on gas, we carpool to the games with four per vehicle. We enjoy some great baseball and get to witness an occasional scramble for foul balls. There’s also live entertainment between each inning of the game. There is lots of fun for all.

New members are welcome. Please contact Paul Giller at 940-262-1001, or email at [email protected]. If you are interested in the 2018 season, please deliver your check to me ASAP (9616 Colbert Cove) to assure your reserved seat.