Cindy Sterling, Sue Galinski, Lea Ann Kirby, and Sue Halsted
The new Robson Ranch Women’s Golf Association (RRWGA) executive officers—President Cindy Sterling, Vice President Sue Galinski, Treasurer Sue Halsted, and Secretary Lea Ann Kirby—called the 2022 board and committees together Jan. 19 to begin planning the 2022 year for its 132 members. After celebrating a very successful 2021 (even with rain, and more rain, a pandemic, ice, and even snow) of completing six tournaments, playing multiple rounds of regular days of golf, and donating $19,000 to charity, everyone turned their attention to work organizing more opportunities to improve their golf game, have fun, and continue to give to the community.
The group heard from tournament chairs with plans for nine tournaments. The first is the Saving Strokes tournament set for Tuesday, March 15. The tournament is open to all RRWGA and RR Wildhorse Lady Niners (WLN) members who play to donate money to the American Heart Association. Other tournaments include the ever-popular Invite a Gentleman, Match Play, Eclectic, Pink Tournament, Club Championship, Robson Cup, Silver Tournament, and Hoofs and Heels.
The board then turned to how the association conducts business, looking at its charter, changing tournament guidelines to refine requirements for tournament participation, and modifications in tournament chairperson guidelines. The board voted to send a change to Article 1 Membership in the Bylaws to the general membership to vote at the Feb. 21, 2022, association meeting.
Committee chairs reported on some exciting happenings for the new year with the newsletter, rules reporting, play day, handicap changes, membership contact with new members, social events, communications, travel days, and live scoring. Everyone left feeling enthusiastic and looking forward to opening day on March 1, 2022.
The purpose of the WGA is to promote the advancement of golf and good sportsmanship through women’s individual and team play, tournaments, and social events. Membership is open to women residents at Robson Ranch. Anyone interested in joining can contact Chris Hagen, Membership chair, at [email protected].