Support Our Troops News

Lynne Moore

SOT has many activities that are ongoing and coming up in the next month. As of early February, we are supporting nine deployed troops. They are in many places, including Japan, Korea, the UK, and in the waters off Greece. This past month, we sent out 35 boxes of goodies to these troops. We really do love our troops and feel lucky to be able to support them as they protect our freedoms. Our Sassy Stampers help us every month by making wonderful handmade cards that are sent to those deployed and those at home. The SOT members write notes to those men and women and thank them for their service.

Our big upcoming event is the annual SOT Golf Tournament. Fidelity Investments has been the title sponsor of this event for eight years. We couldn’t do it without their generous support. Thank you, Fidelity! The tournament takes place on Friday, April 29. The entry is first come, first served, so sign up ASAP. Entry forms are on our website Forms are also available in the Pro Shop. You can also be a hole sponsor. Signs of your sponsorship will be on the white tee box and green at one of the holes, and sponsorship is $150. Much thanks to Robson Ranch Sales for their continued support of this fundraising event.

The Young Men’s Service League will be meeting next on May 15 in the CATC. The meetings are usually one to one and half hours long. The young men from Argyle come with their moms and spend the time with us doing many things. They write to the troops we support, help us on projects, and get to hear from a veteran about their service. Everyone is welcome to come and share with these young men and their mothers.

Two constables came to the last meeting to tell us that the next Medal of Honor procession will be taking place on Wednesday, April 20. For those of you new to the Ranch, this procession takes place every year. The Medal of Honor recipients are invited to a ceremony in Gainesville. They are escorted by drivers and motorcyclists from DFW Airport up Route 35W to Gainesville. There will be more information about the times for this event. It is a special event, and many folks gather on the bridges over the highway to wave flags and acknowledge these true heroes.

Texas Health/Presbyterian Hospital, Denton, is implementing a new program called Veterans Visitation Program. They need veteran volunteers to visit veterans in the Presbyterian Hospital. If you are interested in being a veteran visitation volunteer, you can email Pam Milam, volunteer manager, at [email protected].

Veteran’s Park brick drive is continuing now. Bricks are available by contacting Darin Burk at 309-530-1124. Darin is available to help you with the wording and explain the pricing.

SOT meets every month on the second Monday in the clubhouse at 1 p.m. You do not have to be in the military or a veteran. We welcome everyone to come and meet those people who support our military. If you have a relative presently serving, please contact Darin or check on our website, because we would love to be able to support them. We look forward to meeting you.