Catherine Jenkins Robson Ranch Kiwanis Club enjoyed a year-in-review slideshow presentation by Michelle Lynn, librarian and co-sponsor of Evers Park Elementary School K-Kids Club supported by the Robson Ranch Kiwanis Club. Along with Hailey Caraway, the school guidance counselor, Ms Lynn organizes service projects for the 100-plus young K-Kids members at their school. Members of…
Tag: Kiwanis Club
Clubs & Classes, June 2017
Shoe Drive benefits global cause
Vicki Baker Thanks to the incredible generosity of Robson Ranch, the Kiwanis Club collected 3,500 pairs of shoes during its March “Soles for Needy Souls” Shoe Drive, which far surpassed all expectations. The club’s mantra is “changing the world one child at a time.” This time they did it one pair of shoes at a…
Clubs & Classes, May 2017
Flavors fill the night at Taste of North Texas
Vicki Baker Taste of North Texas is the biggest buffet you’ve ever seen. This amazingly gluttonous fundraiser sponsored by the 91-year old Denton Kiwanis Club supports the ongoing efforts of its Children’s Clinic, a network of dedicated local health care providers providing low-cost or no-cost medical, dental and prescription assistance to disadvantaged children in the…
Front Page, May 2017
Tee up of fun at Kiwanis golf outing
Vicki Baker The annual Kiwanis Club Grandparent/Grandchild Golf Outing is the perfect excuse to get out your clubs and play a round of golf and at the same time help the charities supported by the Kiwanis Club. Approaching its ninth year, the golf event is set to happen at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 17,…
Clubs & Classes, May 2017
Kiwanians – Start your engines!
Vicki Baker Kiwanis Club RR cruised on down to the Texas Motor Speedway, the site of the O’Reilly Auto Parts 500 Nascar Race. But we didn’t sit behind the wheel of the snarling, rumbling engines and travel at insane speeds in cars plastered with ads driving around in a circle and turning left for hours…
Clubs & Classes, May 2017
Kiwanis Club stacks it up with pancake breakfast
Vicki Baker You could smell the pancakes before your other senses registered their presence, the homey smell of frying butter reaching your nostrils and assaulting your brain with mouth-watering images of fluffy, warm goodness. Grabbing your plate you snagged a soft piece of heaven off the platter stacked deep with the round, tan deliciousness, then…
Clubs & Classes, April 2017
Kiwanis Club “Ramps” it up
Vicki Baker Have you ever changed a person’s life in a single day? Ask the Kiwanis Club about good deeds and they’ll start talking about wood, tape measures and four-by-fours as they build ramps several times a year for the disabled or elderly. On a referral from Hearts for Homes the Kiwanis Club received word…
Clubs & Classes, March 2017
Boys and Girls Clubs offering hope and opportunity
Vicki Baker When the school bell rings at the end of the day, thousands of children across Denton County pour out of the classroom. Some head home and are met by parents who help with homework before driving them to basketball practice or piano lessons. For others after school options are far less certain, stable…
Clubs & Classes, March 2017
Our Soals for Needy Soles Kiwanis Club shoe drive
Vicki Baker Join the Kiwanis Club shoe drive movement on March 26! With your help we can provide a life-changing solution: a good pair of shoes. Ever thought about the power of a pair of shoes? A pair of shoes provides relief in many developing nations around the globe such as Haiti, Honduras and other…
Clubs & Classes, March 2017
Circle K International – The faces of tomorrow, today
Vicki Baker The college years are the crossroads of life, a time to choose a path and follow a passion. It’s the time to make a difference in the world. Circle K International (CKI) is the premier college and university community service and leadership organization in the world. Kiwanis Club Robson Ranch is proud to…