The Robson Ranch Happy Tails Dog Club meets the second Saturday of the month at 10:30 a.m. in the CATC building, Room 103. We invite everyone who has a dog or is interested in dogs to join our club. New member dues are $10 per household per year, and renewal is $5. Check out our…
Tag: Robson Rovers RV Club
Clubs & Classes, January 2022
A Robson RV Christmas Party
Clubs & Classes, January 2020
Robson Rovers RV Club Annual Christmas Party

Bob Hahn, President The Robson Rovers RV Club held their annual Christmas holiday dinner on Dec. 9 in the home of Nita and Ron Ice. In addition to volunteering the use of their home, Nita and Ron made all the arrangements necessary for a sit-down dinner of delicious Italian food catered by the Olive Garden.…
Clubs & Classes, September 2019
Robson Rovers RV Club members hold annual BBQ

Bob Hahn, President Even the sizzling 100-degree temperatures couldn’t stop the Robson Rovers RV Club members from enjoying the camaraderie and great food at their annual picnic held at the home of John and Mary Rohde on June 17. BBQ potluck with all the fixin’s and assorted desserts and beverages made the evening a huge…
Clubs & Classes, March 2019
Robson Ranch Rover’s first trip of 2019 – South Padre Island

Lynne Barringer, Secretary The Robson Ranch Rover’s enjoyed their first camping trip of 2019 in South Padre Island, February 3-9, 2019, at the Isla Blanca Park, which was located right on the beach. The kick-off to the trip was getting together for the big game party outside one of the RV’s and watching the game…
Front Page, July 2018
Robson Rovers RV Club annual picnic

Lynn Barringer Even the sizzling 100-degree temperature couldn’t stop the Robson Rovers RV Club members from enjoying the camaraderie and great food at their annual picnic held at the home of John and Mary Rohde on June 2. BBQ potluck with all the fixin’s and assorted desserts and beverages made the evening a huge success!…
Clubs & Classes, September 2017
Robson Rovers RV Club visits national parks

Ron Ice Members of the Robson Rovers RV Club enjoyed an epic trip to the Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks in June. Scott and Lynn Barringer, Bob and Lauren Hahn, and Ron and Nita Ice (also Ron and Nita’s son, Stefan, and grandson, Gavin) arrived at Coulter Bay RV Park in Grand Teton National…