Tag: Support Our Troops

Honoring our veterans

Honor Guard, left to right: Dave Eckberg, Sam Goodrich, Steve Russell, Mike Sabo and Quinn Sowell

Charles Runner Despite an ominous weather forecast, the Robson Ranch Veterans Day Ceremony was sunny with shirt-sleeve weather. Over 150 residents and guests gathered at the Veterans Park. Bill and Carol Rauhauser serenaded them with patriotic songs before the ceremony. SOT President Charles Runner welcomed the guests and provided a history of the Vietnam War.…

Sewing for Others

The Material Girls have enjoyed sewing for charity this year. In this productive year they have made 144 pillowcases for CASA, 244 Christmas stockings for various organizations, 175 drawstring bags that were requested by Support Our Troops, dozens of cancer pillows and 100 polar fleece cancer caps for the Denton Cancer Center. If you are…

Support Our Troops Veterans Day activities

The SOT Christmas tree

Charles Runner, President, Support Our Troops Veterans Day Ceremony: The Veterans Day ceremony at the Robson Ranch Veterans Park will begin at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, November 11, and will last about 30 minutes. Veterans honored on bricks and benches donated during the fall Brick Drive will be recognized at the ceremony. Silent Auction: The…

SOT Silent Auction

Charles Runner, President Support Our Troops The 2015 Support Our Troops Silent Auction solicitation drive is now underway. The Veterans Day auction is our major annual fundraising event. One hundred percent of all funds raised by SOT go directly to our mission of providing for the “material, physical and emotional needs of our military men…

Support Our Troops

The SOT July 4 parade

Charles Runner SOT Parade Support: The July 4 Robson Ranch parade was a great success due to the hard work of the parade committee chaired by Ralph Jankowski. At 7:00 a.m. SOT flag team volunteers placed 180 flags on the medians from the main gate to the Veterans Park and hundreds of smaller flags to…

EXIT 79 concert tour

EXIT 79 performing for the Robson Ranch residents

Charles Runner The second EXIT 79 concert to benefit Support Our Troops was held at the Robson Ranch Veterans Park on July 3. The rain threat disappeared, and guests were treated to a nice sunset. Another large crowd of about 300 Robson Ranch residents and guests gathered on the park lawn to listen to some…

Support Our Troops news

Eric Maddox with Barbara and Charles Runner

Charles Runner, President, Support Our Troops On June 20, SOT was honored to have Eric Maddox as a guest at our meeting. Eric, who is a relative of Robson Ranch residents Bill and Avanell Patton, served in the U.S. Army from 1994 to 2004 as an infantryman in the 82nd Airborne and as a linguist.…

180 US Flag median display at Robson Ranch

The flag crew

Sam Goodrich Ever wonder how 180 U.S. flags magically appear in the median at Robson Ranch on designated national flag flying holidays? Here is the story. A few days before each display event a small group of dedicated Support Our Troops volunteers called the set-up crew begins the process by carefully inspecting the status of…

Fidelity SOT Charity Golf Tournament shatters records

Military guests and dependents at honor dinner

Sam Goodrich Last month’s Fidelity Support Our Troops charity golf tournament shattered all kinds of records. The tournament had its largest field ever (140); the most active duty or reserve military participants ever (41) and raised a record $18,000 for the SOT charity. As an added bonus, the local CBS TV news affiliate, Channel 11,…

Memorial Day at Robson Ranch

Rodney Hess (left) with his family, mother, and relatives by the brick honoring his father, A1C Patrick Hess.

Charles Runner The unrelenting rain finally stopped and permitted the Support Our Troops flag team to install 185 median flags from the main gate to the Veterans Park. At 10:00 a.m. over 140 residents and guests gathered at the Robson Ranch Veterans Park to honor our veterans, including the 1,344,000 that made the ultimate sacrifice,…