Tag: Women’s Club

Women’s Club Community Relations new sub-committee gets off to a great start

Gayle Coe Jan Utzman, Community Relations Chairperson, kicked off the new Community Relations Sub-Committee’s organizational meeting on Tuesday, January 24, with great success. Many Women’s Club members took advantage of these new opportunities and signed up to participate in the Community Ambassadors, Social Mixers and/or the Charity Projects sub-committees. Each group enthusiastically contributed ideas about…

Master Gardener visits the Women’s Club

Ty Pointer walks amongst his plant filled stage

Tanya Jones Robson Ranch’s 457 member Women’s Club had one of its favorites at its October monthly lunch: Ty Pointer, manager of Calloway’s Nursery in Flower Mound, a Master Gardener and a frequent and always welcome speaker at the Women’s Club. Mr. Pointer filled the stage with plants that do well in the Texas fall…

The Trammell Group visits the Robson Ranch Women’s Club

The Trammell Group visits Robson Ranch

Mary Ornberg The Trammell Group, which has been entertaining for more than 25 years, visited the Robson Ranch Women’s Club in February, just in time to give us ladies a Valentine’s Day performance. The group features musical parodies starting with a song about getting married (perfect for this holiday) and then tracing famous couples from…

Meet your neighbor at the Women’s Club luncheon

Greeters at the September lunch, left to right: Judy Drew, Susan Parker, Lynn Moore, Geraldine Gawle and Mary Ann Rich.

Mary Ornberg The Robson Ranch Women’s Club had its monthly luncheon on Tuesday, September 8, 2015. First time attendees (the majority of them were from our new group of villas) introduced themselves, told how long they have lived here, where they recently moved from and where they are living at Robson Ranch. President Teresa Blackburn-Korn…

Outdoor living patio tour set for May 30

“Spring Spaces – Social Places” is the Women’s Club spring outdoor living patio tour on Saturday, May 30, from 1:00-5:00 p.m. This self-guided tour features 10 outdoor living spaces and winds its way through the beautiful Robson Ranch community. You may choose your own pace and start at any home on the tour. Special gardening…

Robson Ranch Women’s Club upcoming events

Our models

It’s spring, and you know what that means—new fashion trends! Our April luncheon was all about our old and tired wardrobe and how to revitalize it. Our sponsors this month were Chico’s and Soma & Brighton. They brought some absolutely fabulous spring fashions to our stage in a magical “Hello Spring” show. It was a…

Women’s Club luncheon

Left to right, front row: Nan Lippold, Mary Ann Carroll and Geraldine Gawle; back row: Janice Brown, Linda Bono, Janelle Roth and Barbara Geiser

Mary Ornberg “The Ultimate Game Show” emceed by Darla Mahon and her elves (Sandy Petty, Donna Ross, Susan Hebert, Teresa Blackburn-Korn and Geraldine Gawle) was a huge success. Over 30 women participated in the games to receive prizes and cash. The first game was “Name That Tune” with one team of three players dominating the…

The Perfect Holiday Season

Hearts for Homes director Susan Frank receives check from Mala Bowdouris.

Mary Ornberg Emily Bradford with Ann’s Haven and Ramona Davis with Women to Women were presented checks by Mala Bowdouris. Each charity received $3,879 from the proceeds that were generated from the Holiday Market in October. The 2014 Holiday Home Tour was a great success. Although Sunday was overcast and chilly, the weather didn’t deter…