Tag: Women’s Club

Women’s Club Spring Fling Social!

Gayle Coe The Women’s Club “Getting to Know You” Spring Fling Social will be on Tuesday, March 26, from 1 to 3 p.m. in the clubhouse. Stop by with your friends and neighbors. All Robson Ranch residents are welcome! Are you looking for a club that offers fun while meeting new people? It is fundamental…

Women’s Club 2024 Home & Garden Show!

Save the date of March 16 for the annual Women’s Club Home & Garden Show. Let our thoughts turn to spring! The Home & Garden Show will open its doors on Saturday, March 16, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the clubhouse ballroom and grounds. Look for your favorite home and garden vendor, back…

Women’s Club Presents Check to Our Daily Bread!

The Women’s Club proudly presented a check to Our Daily Bread Together with Monsignor King Outreach Center in the amount of $10,489.29 from the Holiday Home Tour proceeds. The Holiday Home Tour was an impressive success due to the generous contribution of time and effort by the homeowners who decorated and opened their homes, along…

Women’s Club Spring Fling Social!

Gayle Coe The Women’s Club “Getting to Know You” Spring Fling Social will be on Tuesday, March 26, from 1 to 3 p.m. in the clubhouse. Stop by with your friends and neighbors. All Robson Ranch female residents are welcome! Are you looking for a club that offers fun while meeting new people? It is…

Women’s Club Magical Evening at the Meyerson!

Gayle Coe Women’s Club members enjoyed a beautiful evening at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center! More than 80 ladies boarded the deluxe motorcoach and were entertained as they headed to the Meyerson Symphony Center. Once there, they were treated to a beautiful buffet dinner and a magical performance by the Dallas Symphony Chorus, along…

Join the Women’s Club!

Are you new to the Robson Ranch community and want a simple way to meet fun ladies in a Robson Ranch club setting? Do you want a simple way to reconnect with friends and acquaintances while having a great time? Do you want a simple way to share an afternoon filled with great conversation and…

Women’s Club Homes for the Holidays Home Tour

Gayle Coe Sunday, Dec. 10, was a gorgeous day in the Robson Ranch community. Over 400 residents, families, and friends viewed the six unique and fabulously decorated homes in the Homes for the Holidays Home Tour. Each of these homes was a labor of love for the season, and the artistic imaginations went above and…