Left to right: Ginger Sheppard, Voices United Steering Committee; Isabella LoCicero, speaker; and Jackie Ford, Voices United Membership director (photo by Lorie Stockton)
Lorie Stockton
Voices United welcomed Isabella LoCicero from IGNITE to our Oct. 5 brunch held at the Robson Ranch clubhouse. Currently a student at Baylor University, Isabella is active at the local, state, and national level, advocating for women’s rights. She spoke at the Robson group’s annual IGNITE fundraiser.
Since its founding in 2010, IGNITE has trained more than 40,000 young women to become the next generation of political leaders as candidates, campaigners, voter mobilizers, policymakers, and advocates. IGNITE’s model moves young women to run and win, and it dramatically increases their political engagement on every level.
Following a heartwarming story of caring for her young sister during a tornado at an early age, Isabella spoke eloquently about her current education at Baylor University and her active participation in IGNITE. The winner of four national debate titles, she is well equipped to fight for causes she believes in, such as fighting the ban against reproductive rights and supporting the elimination of the period tax (sales tax on feminine products) in Texas. Stating, “Young people feel underrepresented,” she is studying to be a politician and a lawyer and encourages women to be “loud and argumentative.”
IGNITE is currently advocating for more civic education, leadership education at the high school level, scholarships for women, campaigning for gender equality, and much more. The members of Voices United took to heart her clear message to speak up and speak out.
Voices United is a non-partisan group of Robson Ranch women who share progressive values, perform community outreach, provide civic awareness and social contact for members, and have a good time. We’re a 501(c)(3) group. Our annual dues are $20, and we’d love to have you join us.
For more information, go to www.voicesunitedrr.org.