Mary Ornberg
Thanks to those of you who came to play at our quarterly meeting and luncheon. Sandy Welch and her crew once again did a tremendous job. How lucky we are to have gals who are willing to work so hard to make these occasions special and fun for everyone.
The proposed Board of Officers for 2018 is as follows: Janie Farnsworth, president; Barb Holst, vice president; Jane Thompson, treasurer; Janie Cindric, secretary.
Future events include:
Halloween Social, October 30
Year-end Tournament for WLN, November 7
Christmas Party, December 12
Remember, you can join this group of women golfers by downloading a membership application from the website: (go to ‘clubs’ and then to “Wildhorse Lady Niners”), or call membership chairperson Jan Norton at 940-271-0376.
We are all about having fun!