WLN Communications
The 2021 Wildhorse Lady Niners (WLN) season opened on March 10, with 90 excited golfers! Due to the overwhelming interest and participation, the format was a five-person scramble with play from the south course silver tees, to ensure pace of play. Needless to say, all ladies had a fabulous and fun time. The weather was pretty cooperative as well.
The morning kicked off with goody bags of candy including a bag of M&Ms. If you have seen the M&M commercial of ‘not sorry’ then you will understand the incentive of the candy. During scramble play it’s almost a given that one or more players will apologize for their hits or for not helping their team. To encourage players to get away from that “I’m sorry” thought and verbiage, anyone who slipped and used the “S” (sorry) word had to relinquish their bag of M&Ms! It really worked and ladies were very cognizant of their language. Who knew M&Ms were so powerful?
The following week’s play was also a scramble format with a St. Paddy’s Day theme. Though initially the roster was full with the maximum of 72 players, the damp weather that hit early in the morning deterred several from playing. It was a windy morning but the sun did come through, making a good play day with a ton of fun and laughs for all players.
The WLN welcomes new players/members at any time. Go to the WLN area found under the clubs’ tab on the Robson Ranch website for more information on how to join this very fun league.