2023 WLN Executive Board (left to right): Carol Rumberger, Deb Andrews, Debbie Wegman, Mary Ann Wood (photo by Deb Williams)

Ringer winners (left to right): Karol Bundy, Roxy Elting, Brandy Walker, Susan Haley (photo by Deb Williams)

Pictured (left to right) are Megan Wiegand and Carol Rumberger. (Photo by Deb Williams)
Deb Williams
Wildhorse Lady Niners (WLN) ended its “Shoot for the Stars” themed 2022 with a Christmas luncheon held in the Robson Ranch clubhouse. The Social Committee, chaired by Lisa Miller and Carroll French, outdid themselves once again. They introduced Mat McNatt as he eloquently played the piano with Christmas melodies. Attendees were then entertained by Grant Wright (Argyle High School student) as he magically introduced us to Christmas songs where some would swear they were being entertained by Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Michael Bublé. The festively decorated tables were beautiful, and the Social Committee gifted each member with a “Shoot for the Stars” ball marker.
As many know, the WLN chooses a charity to endorse at every quarterly luncheon. For the last quarter of 2022, they chose Hearts for Homes. Susan Frank, founder and executive director, explained that Hearts for Homes provides no-cost repairs to very low-income senior homeowners based on specific guidelines.
There were several ways to donate to Hearts for Homes. Members could donate household goods, cash, and/or they could bid on items donated for the silent auction. There were five baskets donated by individual members that were up for bid in the auction. These baskets contained a variety of goodies. A total of $480 was donated as a result of auction bids, and $1,495 was donated in cash, making the total cash donation $1,975.
The WLN membership voted on the proposed 2023 executive board. After the membership voted, we welcomed our new executive board of Carol Rumberger (president), Deb Andrews (vice president), Debbie Wegman (secretary), and Mary Ann Wood who will continue as treasurer. Carol Rumberger presented a gift certificate to WLN’s outgoing president, Megan Wiegand.
Jamey Siefert, longstanding golf genius and GHIN expert, presented awards to members who accomplished chip-ins, birdies, and most improved golfer. Members who scored chip-ins included Jan Lands, Sharon O’Shea, Deb Williams, Monica Bishop, Marsha Scholze, Carol Cooley, Sandra Waggoner, Angie Carl, Mary Ann Wood, Vicki Shoemaker, and Kimberly Juneau. Members who scored birdies included Terry Steger, Carol Land, Jamey Siefert, Janet Rogers, Dee Wallace, Joan Bridges, and Barbara Byrd. The most improved golfer for the 2022 season is Diana Warner. Congratulations to all the winners!
The last awards for 2022 golf play were presented by CJ Palecek. CJ was responsible for the Ringer Program. The Ringer contest rewards the ladies with the most improved strokes per hole on each course and when playing their own ball (versus scrambles). First place ($125), with an improvement of 42 strokes, went to Karol Bundy. Second place ($70), with an improvement of 32 strokes, went to Roxy Elting. Third place ($30 each) was a tie, with an improvement of 30 strokes, and went to Brandy Walker and Susan Haley.
Excuse the omission, but the food was nothing short of spectacular. It was a wonderful Christmas luncheon, bringing an end to a great 2022. Members are looking forward to an amazing 2023!