Sunday, May 12, 2019 Mother’s Day Brunch 11:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.; $42 per person/$18 children 5-10; Reservations only Friday, May 17, 2019 Neil Dia.m.ond Tribute Concert 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.; $26 per person Saturday, May 18, 2019 Shredding/Recycling Day 9:00–11:00 a.m.; Shred documents, drop-off old drugs, batteries, electronics, computers; $5 for shredding; $5 to crush hard…
Category: May 2019
Generals, May 2019
Welcome New Neighbors
Robson Ranch welcomes the following new homeowners to the ranch: Keena Barber, Jeanne Cummings, Edward and Kathy Dorman, Bruce and Cynthia Drury, Keith and Kyla Ely, Raymond and Dorothy Flores, Melvin and Sara Guillaume Jr., Roy and Vicki Macy, Wilbur Rapier, Mark and Cathy Sager, Robert and Deborah Schettek, Martyn and Lorie Shaddix, Jay and…
Clubs & Classes, May 2019
Kiwanis Club silent auction recap

Vicki Baker Going once…going twice…sold to the highest bidder! The excitement reached a fevered pitch and bidding was hot and heavy at the Kiwanis Club’s silent auction held Saturday, April 13, in the clubhouse. Each year the KCRR auction gets better and better, and this year was no exception. Due to the relentless efforts of…
Clubs & Classes, May 2019
Democratic Club hosts candidate forum at monthly meeting
Clubs & Classes, May 2019
Kiwanis Club stacks it up with Pancake Breakfast

Vicki Baker You could smell the pancakes before your other senses registered their presence. The homey smell of frying butter reach your nostrils and assaulted your brain with mouth-watering images of fluffy, warm goodness. Grabbing your plate, you snagged a soft piece of heaven off the platter stacked deep with the round, tan deliciousness, then…
Features, May 2019
Spotlight On Advertiser: Why your “change oil” light may be completely wrong

Bob and Leah Zamzow, Owners/Operators, Kwik Kar Rayzor Ranch Leah: One of the most common things I hear from friends and customers is, “I just change my oil when the light comes on”. It can actually be more complex than that and it can be sooner or later than the light suggests for proper vehicle care.…
Clubs & Classes, May 2019
Rock and Roll Martini Group celebrates Chicago
Religion, May 2019
Fellowship At The Ranch
Out of the mouths of babes Ed Jones Quite a while ago, when my now 22-year-old granddaughter, Hannah, was four, she noticed that I was agitated about something. The fact that I can’t now recall what caused my anxiety testifies to just how serious it was. Wanting to help her granddad, she climbed up on…
Religion, May 2019
Pastor’s Corner
Jim Mann “Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains”. (James 5:7) If you’ve ever been to New Life Church’s beautiful 40-acre north Denton campus, you know that we have a…
Features, May 2019
2 Your Health: Choosing your best sunscreen

Connie McDonald As spring has arrived and we are enjoying the beautiful warm weather, we know that summer is just around the corner. The Texas heat can be extremely intense and wreak havoc on our skin. Do you currently wear a daily sunscreen or do you even consider it a priority? With so many brands…