Jim Mann In Exodus 1-2 we read the story of the birth of Moses. He happened to be born at a time when the Pharaoh was worried that the Hebrew slaves were growing too numerous. He ordered that Hebrew boys during this time be killed. Two Hebrew midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, defied the king’s orders.…
Category: June 2019
Religion, June 2019
Fellowship at The Ranch
Envy Have you ever opened your closet full of clothes and thought, “I have nothing to wear” or opened your overstocked refrigerator thinking, “There’s nothing to eat”? Man has an amazing propensity to stand in the midst of lavish blessing and lament that he is poor and needy. How does this happen? In a word,…
Sports, June 2019
RRMGA crowns Robson Cup champion and enjoys spring picnic

Steve Waggoner The Robson Ranch MGA held their annual Robson Cup Tournament on May 4 and 5. This the is the annual net club championship for all MGA members. We were blessed with great North Texas weather during this two-day event. The champions of each flight are: Blue Flight, Dan Nicolet; White Flight (1), John…
Clubs & Classes, June 2019
Rock and Roll Martini Group celebrates Three Dog Night
Clubs & Classes, June 2019
Robson Riders Motorcycle Club hits the road

Stan Brein While we still battled rain and the last vestiges of cool weather, the club headed east for the Arkansas – Stay in the Golden Era adventure. Once again Ride Dotson Captain Dennis planned a grand outing using mostly back roads. With sunny skies and mild weather smiling on the Ranch, the group put…
Sports, June 2019
Health benefits of table tennis

Don Pooley Whether you are playing doubles or singles, table tennis can be a fast-paced competitive sport and has many health benefits for active seniors like ourselves. The top ten health benefits of table tennis * Playing improves hand-eye coordination and it stimulates mental alertness, concentration and tactical strategy. * Develops mental acuity. The speed,…
Clubs & Classes, June 2019
Gadabouts stay home
Sports, June 2019
Texas Toss Super Bag Bowl VI
Clubs & Classes, June 2019
Another exciting month for the Robson Ranch Photo Club

Michael Waterhouse This month our members had the opportunity to display some of their outstanding prints in the Robson Ranch Clubhouse. The quality of the work presented was excellent and we received lots of positive feedback. Our monthly meeting was also outstanding. We had an enjoyable presentation from the general manager of Fort Worth Camera,…
May 2019, June 2019
Voices United May meeting

Dian Darr Voices United met on Saturday, May 4, in the Clubhouse for their monthly meeting. Susan Engstrom called the meeting to order and then invited us to enjoy a salad luncheon. We then heard a very informative talk from our speaker, Connell Gardner, who has been Director of Interfaith Ministries in Denton since 1996.…