Dave Hintz, Assistant Golf Professional, Wildhorse Golf at Robson Ranch Robson Ranch’s PGA Jr. League team won the State Championship on July 24 in Austin, at Point Venture Golf Club versus teams from Houston, San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas. They followed that with a Sectional Championship on July 27 at Prairie Lakes Golf Club in…
Category: September 2022
Sports, September 2022
The Right Speed, Spin, and Control
Don Pooley When I started playing table tennis against my dad 65 years ago, the choice for a paddle was a blade with a knobby rubber or a sandpaper finish. Wanting more ball reaction, I chose sandpaper. Over the years, table tennis paddles and associated blade finishes have evolved, and each is now rated based…
Generals, September 2022
Support Our Troops: Upcoming Fall Events
Lynne Moore There are lots of events coming up this fall for Support Our Troops (SOT), especially our annual Veterans Day Auction on Friday, Nov. 11. This annual event is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year. All of the money that we collect from the auctioned items goes to support our military here…
Clubs & Classes, September 2022
Workhorses of the Woodshop

Joni Matthiessen We have some very important pieces of equipment in our woodshop that are essential in preparing raw wood for projects. The shop has available several kinds of long planks of rough wood for sale. When someone wants wood for a project, they pick the kind of wood they want, measure, and cut it…
Generals, September 2022
A Groovy Evening of Music!

Tiffany Ramzy Come be a part of a cool and enjoyable evening with Dallas-area vocalist and recording artist Gabe Meadows and his Lush Life Trio when they perform, by special invitation of the Robson Ranch African American Social Group (AASG), on Sunday, Sept. 25, from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Wildhorse Grill in Robson…
Clubs & Classes, September 2022
Robson Ranch Drama Club Outing
Barb Cummins Over 20 Robson Ranch Drama Club members and guests participated in a getaway to the Music Theatre of Denton. After a pre-theater meal at the GreenHouse Restaurant on Hickory Street, they took their seats, front and center, at The Music Man. They enjoyed a lively musical that rendered moments of joy and fun.…
Clubs & Classes, September 2022
AASG Hosts July Meet-n-Greet for New Members

Tiffany Ramzy The African American Social Group (AASG) recently hosted a Meet-n-Greet at the home of Social Coordinator Tiffany Ramzy. There were 23 in attendance, including seven new residents. Everyone brought an appetizer to share and their favorite beverage. It was a fun, relaxing gathering, with good food and good conversation. Existing members shared information…
Clubs & Classes, September 2022
Pilot Knob Rotary at Robson Ranch Hosts Denton Police Dept!

Karen McDaniels On Aug. 19, Dr. Richard Williams, Sr., who leads the Denton Police Department’s Executive Team for Accreditation and Compliance, detailed the ABLE Project (Active Bystandership for Law Enforcement). Formerly with the New Orleans Police Department, Dr. Williams was a member of the team that designed the Ethical Policing Is Courageous (EPIC) program. Out…
Front Page, September 2022
Holiday Market
Clubs & Classes, September 2022
Robson Ranch Motorcycle Club: Lights, Camera, Action

Stan Brein Lights Our rides, particularly the more-attended ones, create logistical issues for the ride captains and the sweeps. Pulling over or out of the side of the road, going through a stop sign or traffic light, and maintaining formation on the highway without getting the group split is a challenge. Having others being able…