Linda Terry Yes, it’s true…the holiday season is upon us. The stores are decorated and pushing us into the season. Christmas themed movies are showing on TV, and the Robson Ranch Library is pulling out our large collection of seasonally themed books. Many genre authors have penned a book or a series of books for…
Category: December 2015
Clubs & Classes, December 2015
Murder Mystery Party dissects ‘The Inheritance’

Kathy Heberlein The year is 1928 and J.J. Caldwell died. The executor of his will has gathered all his family and close friends for the reading of his will. Or was it for something else? Was there foul play? Was everyone in his life really who they said they were? Fun, suspicion and accusations were…
Features, December 2015
Robson Ranch Marines celebrate Marine Corps birthday

Each year on November 10, Marines around the globe celebrate their beloved United States Marine Corps birthday. It was no different at Robson Ranch this year when 17 Robson Ranch Marines and guests gathered to celebrate their Corps 240th Birthday with a traditional reading of the birthday message from the Commandant of the Marine Corps…
Clubs & Classes, December 2015
Oh! The places we’ve been and the fun we’ve had!

Maitland Dade The Road Runners Club had a very busy travel year. Over the past 12 months our club sponsored 12 outings that included informative presentations, visits to interesting cities, dining in unique restaurants and experiencing wonderful cultural events. In 2015 members cruised the Caribbean, visited fabulous cosmopolitan cities and wine vineyards along the Pacific…
Generals, December 2015
Scaryoke 2015
Clubs & Classes, December 2015
September and October Photography Club winners

Shirley Waterhouse The winning photo for September is titled “Ft Worth Riot” and was taken and submitted by Harold Lippold. The subject for the contest was “Fort Worth.” Prior to the contest a delegation from the photo club took a day trip to Cowtown. While others decided to scout out downtown Ft. Worth for photos,…
Sports, December 2015
Wildhorse Lady Niners celebrates fall with a Member Member

Mary Ornberg Thirty-four players had a beautiful day to play in our Member/Member on Tuesday, October 27. We all met outside the Pro Shop to get our rules from David Thatcher. It was a three, three and three format. We had best ball, scramble and alternate shot. David calls the alternate shot the friendly segment.…
Clubs & Classes, December 2015
K-Kids raises awareness and funds for shelter project

Vicki Baker Everyone has heard of the Kiwanis Club. But have you heard about K-Kids? K-Kids Clubs are chartered in partnership with a Kiwanis Club and a school or community-based organization. It is a student-led program for elementary school students providing them with opportunities to perform community service, build character, and develop leadership skills. The…
Generals, December 2015
Pathfinders regroup for 2016
Pathfinders is a volunteer group of residents who greet and meet new residents to share valuable information that helps smooth their transition to Robson Ranch. The Pathfinder greeters host monthly luncheons with newcomers to discuss activities, organizations and clubs at Robson. New officers for 2016 are President Nan Lippold, Vice President Peggy Villagomez and Secretary…
Clubs & Classes, December 2015
Games for Dames spread cheer

Tears, smiles, hugs and lots of laughter were on the agenda for this past October 31 as they have been for the past seven years. Thirty homes were chosen because someone turned in the residents’ names as needing a bit of cheer. The ladies dressed with crowns, boas and their biggest smiles as they went…