Linda Buishas ‘Twas the night before Christmas Virgin Mary pondered her state. Soon she’d give birth to our Lord. Oh! She could hardly wait! Soon all would be revealed Of the message Gabriel had brought. Soon the Savior of the World would come. It was He, she carried beneath her heart. Joseph believed all the…
Category: December 2024
December 2024, Sports
WLN Holds Second Annual Championship

Cindy Voliva Perfect weather greeted the 42 Wildhorse Lady Niners (WLN) who participated in the Second Annual Club Championship Oct. 22-23. The theme “Hooray for Hollywood” created an exciting and glittery backdrop for two days of golf, fun, and friendship. The event kicked off with a cocktail party on Monday night before tournament play. Teams…
December 2024, Sports
30 Feet to Glory: Texas Toss League Crowns Fall 2024 Champions

Mike Pate The Robson Ranch Texas Toss Cornhole League conducted its Fall 2024 playoffs in November in the Cimarron gym. Matches were fierce but friendly, competitive but cordial. And when the resin dust settled, the Air Mailers, captained by Steve “Cap’n Crunchtime” Courtney, claimed their third Texas Toss World Championship, topping each of their Division…
December 2024, Sports
Playing Cornhole Outside the Ranch

Rosemary “Killer” Myers-Neagli Cornhole (sometimes referred to as toss or bags) was first patented in 1883 by Heyliger de Windt, which had most of the features of modern cornhole but used a square hole. The ACA (American Cornhole Association), established in 2003, developed and published the initial official cornhole rules, and their mission was to…
Clubs & Classes, December 2024
Come Be Inspired by Paint & Palette Club’s Artists!

Rosie Bouse Janet Coddington was a school counselor by profession, but her interest in art has been rekindled in retirement. She now is enjoying her membership in the Paint & Palette Club. Her story and art are displayed in our window in the CATC building. There you will find quite an assortment of Janet’s delightful…
December 2024, Clubs & Classes
Drone Meeting
Dennis Brooks, Club Vice President The November meeting of the Robson Ranch Drone Club focused on the construction of the monument/tower at the front gate, from conception to completion. The Drone Club meets on the fourth Monday of each month (other than August and December) in Room 104 of the Creative Arts and Technology Center…
Clubs & Classes, December 2024
Drone Club Recap

Steve Simpson The Robson Ranch Drone Club general session meeting was held on Oct. 28 at the Creative Arts and Technology Center in Room 104. Vice President Dennis Brooks presented “Safe and Legal Night Drone Flying at Robson Ranch,” with emphasis on full dark, with mention of sunset and sunrise, legally “night.” This meeting was…
December 2024, Clubs & Classes
Tech Club Happenings

The Robson Ranch Tech Club November general session meeting was held on Nov. 11 in Room 104 of the CATC. Vice President Steve Garvin presented on “How to Buy a Computer.” We had a full room of Robson attendees for this interactive session. Major agenda topics included What Kind of Computer Do You Need?, Advertisement…
Clubs & Classes, December 2024
Northlake Town Center Scavenger Hunt

Celia Hall Nov. 6 was a perfect fall day when 27 Rockin’ Red Ranchers gathered in front of the Northlake Town Center Police Station to receive their clues for a spirited scavenger hunt. The day was filled with camaraderie and adventure as the teams excitedly discussed their strategies. Each clue led them to a different…