Category: Front Page

Soles for Souls

Jan Norton Kiwanis is collecting any shoe in any condition – boots, sneakers, sandals, dress shoes, women’s heels, sport-related shoes, flip-flops. Adults, children, infants. The shoes will then be distributed to people in the poorest and neediest areas of the world in Haiti, Central America, and Africa. Clean those closets and pull out those shoes…

New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance

Frances Hackley, publicity chair The Robson Ranch Music Club is sponsoring the New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance here at the Ranch. Why not let this celebration be your last party of the year as well as a bright and promising way to begin the New Year? You certainly won’t find a better location just minutes…

Christmas at the Ranch

Frances Hackley, Publicity Chair The Robson Ranch Community Choir is all astir and warming up to sing of Christmas joy. The choir had an amazing Veterans Day Concert on Veterans Day, Nov. 11. They performed two concerts for a warm and enthusiastic crowd, though the temperature turned frosty. One could just reach out and touch…

Broadway our way!

Theresa L. Peoples On Sunday, Sept. 15, the Drama Club of Robson Ranch presented their premier of a “Showcase of Comedy”; three one-acts that kept the audience laughing and clapping! It was a sold-out performance with over 200 friends and neighbors in the Robson Community enjoying an afternoon of entertainment, fun, and laughter! The Drama Club…

Save the date for Holiday Market

Theresa L. Peoples, RRWC Publicity Chair It is never too early to start thinking about the holidays, is it? The Robson Ranch Women’s Club is happy to announce their upcoming Holiday Market. This event is free and open to the public. It will take place on Saturday, October 5, 2019, at the Robson Ranch Clubhouse which…