David Zapatka Are you getting tired of playing the bangers? They have one strategy; hit the ball as hard as they can. They rarely hit third shot drop shots. What can you do? There are two options. The first is the punch volley, a volley hit hard and deep. The second is the soft volley,…
Category: September 2020
Clubs & Classes, September 2020
Voices United Holds Annual IGNITE Fundraiser
Deb Williams Voices United (VU), a Robson Ranch progressive women’s group, organizes multiple fundraisers each year supporting community organizations. One such event is VU’s annual IGNITE fundraiser. IGNITE is a national, non-partisan 501(c)(3) that helps young women become the next generation of political leaders. They train women at schools and colleges in Texas—including UNT and Texas Woman’s…
Generals, September 2020
From The New Home Sales Team
We are open and excited to extend an invitation to visit our model homes and Sales Center at Robson Ranch Texas. Be assured that we are committed to the health and wellbeing of our customers, homeowners, employees, and guests, and continue to use the additional cleaning and employee protocols previously established so you will feel…
Clubs & Classes, September 2020
Republican Club Update

Amy Enloe Despite the coronavirus pandemic, the Robson Ranch Republican Club has been busy at the clubhouse signing up new members as well as renewing memberships from previous years. Currently, we will be at the clubhouse for membership sign ups on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 to 11 a.m. through October 2. Please check HOA…
Generals, September 2020
Parks and Green Space Are Vitally Important
Jesse Davis, Denton City Council Member, District 3 When I was a kid, I practically lived outside. Thankfully, we couldn’t afford cable or video games until I was in high school. So naturally I spent more time running around outside than on the couch. My mom had a big central Denton backyard with great climbing…
Clubs & Classes, September 2020
Car Club Spotlight on Ricke Rubin’s Double Nickel Delivery

Ron Hoeberling The Rollin’ Ranchers Car Club members have a variety of cars from old to new, from antique to classic, and from sports cars to street rods. This is a story about Ricke Rubin’s 1955 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery street rod—The Double Nickel Delivery. When Ricke and his wife Pam moved from Illinois to Robson Ranch…
Features, September 2020
Word of the Month: Dendrology
Clubs & Classes, September 2020
Horseshoe Tournament at the Ranch

Ellen Gilgore Horseshoe activity became a bit more competitive at the Ranch with the introduction of an ongoing tournament held on Monday evenings. Joey Misiaszek is overseeing this well-organized tournament to be sure everyone has a chance at being crowned the winner. It will run for a yet to be determined number of weeks. Those…
Clubs & Classes, September 2020
Georgies Interactive Pigments

Pat Bender Every potter knows a good glaze can make any vessel beautiful. The Pottery Studio now has a new manufacturer to use for glazing. Georgies Interactive Pigments are an interesting way to show texture on the pottery piece and to keep the natural lines of the vessel. The eight interactive pigment colors are golden straw, autumn…
Religion, September 2020
Fellowship at the Ranch: Man and Woman
Ed Jones, Pastor (Adam) said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman (ishah), Because she was taken out of Man (ish).” For this reason, a man (ish) shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife (ishah); and they shall become…