Participants in horseshoe tourney

Left to right: Kendall Kuskie (1st place), Julie Futscher (2nd place), Bob Cook (3rd place), and Joey Masiaszek (organizer)
Ellen Gilgore
If you have been near the dog park or the community gardens, you may have seen lots of activity near the horseshoe pits. During September and October, a “quota” tournament was held under the direction of Joey Masiaszek. Each Monday evening, members met to throw 20 horseshoes and a record was kept on how many points each person received. Calculations were made for the following week’s participation. At the conclusion, receiving first place was Kendall Kuskie (who was 10 points behind the leader and threw for an amazing 28 points at the end to surge into first place with a +14), second place was Julie Futscher, with Bob Cook coming in third. It was a nice group who participated which included six ladies.
Participation has been rising, especially since the weather has turned a bit cooler. We now meet at 1 p.m. each Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. There are four pits which are kept in good shape by our members. When you decide to join us, there are friendly players who will help you learn or review what you may have learned many years ago. The nice thing is you can stand where you are comfortable to throw. Horseshoes are provided, so you only need to bring yourself. There are now a total of seven women players, and we are giving the men a good challenge.
Another challenge is on Thursdays which is “Ringer Day.” The number of ringers made by all the players is counted for the day. The following week, we see if we can beat that number. Recently, the total number made was 73 ringers in one and a half hours. This kept Bob busy ringing the bell for each one.
If you are looking for another way to get some exercise, meet new people, and have lots of fun, join us at the horseshoe pits.