Karaoke and concert events

  Sheilah Ross Mark your calendars for 2018 with the following events: St. Patrick’s Karaoke: March 16 Spring Concert: April 21-22 Karaoke and Dance Parties: 6/8, 8/17, 10/26 (SCARYOKE) The Fourth of July Patriotic Concert Veteran’s Day Concert: November 10 Christmas at the Ranch 218: December 15-16 New Year’s Eve Dinner and Karaoke Pary: December…

Winners of Sassy Stampers’ gift certificate

  Joyce Martin Jenna Suarez was the winner of a gift certificate for her creative card featuring a beautiful floral greeting. Congratulations Jenna. The first meeting of the new year was held on January 20. Members were happy to be reunited with friends and colleagues from last year and welcomed several new members. We are…

Catholic Club news

Irene Manning Robson Ranch Catholic Club met on January 9 in the home of Bret and Rita Paxton. The meeting was opened with a prayer led by the president, John Goodpaster. We also prayed for those who at this point in time are in need of prayer. Our guest speaker was Mr. Kevin Hinzman. Mr.…

Let’s Play Ball – softball season just around the corner

  Johnny Blecher You may think it’s a little chilly, but softball is right around the corner. Break out your glove, loosen up your arm and check out the Robson Ranch Softball Association’s (RRSA) webpage, Quickscores, at the following link: http://www.quickscores.com/robsonranch. Search Robson Ranch Quickscores and you’ll get all the scoop. Registration is February 12–23,…

Cabin Fever Brings Out Baby Boomers

Dave Parker After a recent cold snap in Texas, the Baby Boomers came out in overwhelming numbers packing the Grill on the first Friday in January. In Texas, cabin fever hits most Boomers after one or two days leading to a need to get out after the weather breaks. Margaret O’Neill, commander in chief of…