HOA presents Trivia Night August 2

Don’t miss Trivia Night on Friday, August 2, 2019, from 7:00–9:30 p.m.! The game consists of teams of eight players, six rounds of three questions each with prizes awarded to the first, second and third place teams, a half-time and final question. Now is the time to grab your friends, put together a team or…

Potters in the spotlight window

Carolyn Detjen Judy Smothers is an artist who has been gifted with incredible abilities, causing some of the materials used in art such as paint, metal and clay to bow to her command. She has patience with her students and a gentle smile that catches hold on you to soften your angst, allowing you to…

Robson Ranch Catholic Club enjoys a potluck dinner

Robson Ranch Catholic Club had their potluck dinner on Tuesday, May 14, at St. Mark Catholic Church Parish Hall. The potluck dinner is always the last event before the summer break. The dishes were outstanding and the fellowship special, as many of the members are going in many different directions for the summer. The meetings…

Sassy Stampers news

The Sassy Stampers met on Saturday, May 18, in the Creative Arts & Technology Center, Room 104. Our club is growing monthly, it seems, and that means more fun for all. Sally Hampton was our project lead this month with special assistance from Trudi Searles. The card Sally taught was a beautiful, multiple fold, multiple…