Tag: Living Well Committee

Living Well Seminars/Activities

Joyce Ambre, Chairman Save the dates! For the past several months, the Living Well Committee Evans Scholars Foundation has been unable to present any seminars or activities at Robson Ranch because of the closure of the clubhouse due to COVID-19. We are planning on resuming the speaker series by presenting a Medicare update and information…

Living Well Sponsoring Inaugural Bunny Hop

Gil Clifton On Saturday, April 11, the Living Well Committee is sponsoring the inaugural Bunny Hop. This fun 2-mile walk will begin at 9 a.m. in front of the Robson Clubhouse and follow a well-marked monitored sidewalk route. After the walk we will have candy for all participants. This event is free, no preregistration required, and is open…

Living Well Committee

Have you seen what’s new at the Farmer’s Market? We have added two new vendors this past month. The first one is Naturally Grown Farms, who sells fresh and local microgreens. These microgreens are not only excellent in flavor but have many nutritional benefits. They can be added as a flavorful garnish to any meal.…

Food labeling seminar

Robson Ranch HOA Living Well Seminar attendees listening to the presentation by Dr. Julie Gardner

Joyce Ambre On Oct. 30, the Robson Ranch HOA Living Well Committee and the Kiwanis Club sponsored a food labeling seminar called Path to the Plate. Dr. Julie Gardner, from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, and a well-known specialist and co-coordinator with the Path to the Plate Initiative, gave an excellent talk on helping us better understand…

Get ready for the Turkey Trot

It’s time to prepare for the annual Turkey Trot sponsored by the Living Well Committee. On Thanksgiving morning at 8:30 a.m., we will gather in front of the clubhouse for the 9:00 a.m. three-mile family fun run/walk. It’s free, so bring the children, grandchildren, friends, spouses, and pets. Thanksgiving costumes optional. Watch the HOA Announcements…

Workshop for caregivers recap

Workshop participants taking note.

Elaine Kushmaul, Speaker’s Series coordinator On August 7, the Living Well at Robson Ranch HOA Committee sponsored a workshop for caregivers. It was a part of our speaker’s series, though unlike our usual one-hour lecture, this was a much bigger program. The doors opened at 9:00 a.m. for registrants to visit with providers of services…

Living Well update

Kris Price On October 30, Living Well and Robson Kiwanis are sponsoring a new seminar. Texas A&M Agrilife Extension will present a program about food labeling. Topics will include “GMO’s – What are they and are they safe?”, “Antibiotics in Meats and Dairy”, and “Natural? Organic? What do food labels mean?”. Signups will begin in…

Medicare Made Easy – October 2, 2019

Jackie Hixson and Dan Ballenger will be the guest speakers for the Living Well October meetings. Most of you know that Jackie, a resident of Robson for 15+ years, has given her time concerning Medicare ins and outs for many years here at the Ranch, and Dan has joined her for the past four years.…

Residential firewise landscaping

Gil Clifton The monthly Speakers Series, sponsored by the Living Well Committee, was held on May 29 despite severe weather in the Denton area. A special thanks is owed to the presenters, Shirlee Singer and Danny Thomas, for their presentation under the circumstances. Shirlee is extremely knowledgeable on horticulture and landscape design and has spent…