Tag: SOT

SOT members visit Normandy D-Day Landing Beaches

SOT President Mike Hoernemann delivers remarks to the 60 SOT travelers during the wreath laying ceremony. The roses in the foreground were later placed on individual graves by the members.

Mike Hoernemann, SOT President Thirteen Robson Ranch Texas residents and friends thoroughly enjoyed a late June visit to the June 6, 1942 D-Day landing beaches that stretch across 50 miles of coastline in Normandy, France. They joined with 48 Support Our Troops (SOT) members and friends from Robson Ranch Arizona. The SOT jointly sponsored trip…

Support Our Troops plans ahead for 2017

SOT announces its 2017 plans for troop support.

Mike Hoernemann “It is the fervent hope of all Americans that there will not be any need to deploy more U.S. Military personnel to dangerous overseas combat zones. Unfortunately the current world situation suggests that this will not be the case. In any event SOT is prepared to continue and expand as appropriate our charitable…

Featherheads donate to Support Our Troops

SOT Secretary Bill Wright, front left, and Doyle Hicks with the Featherheads

Sam Goodrich The Featherheads, an informal group of generous Robson Ranch golfers, presented SOT Secretary Bill Wright a cash donation of $2,177 at the November meeting of Support Our Troops. Featherheads spokesman Doyle Hicks handed over the cash to Bill Wright to the warm applause and lots of smiles from the SOT members in attendance.…

Special SOT meeting open to all

Mike Hoernemann, President Robson Ranch residents include many hundreds of military veterans. A very common misconception is that the Robson Ranch Support Our Troops (SOT) organization is a veteran’s organization. It’s not. SOT membership is open and encouraged for all residents. There is, however, a special relationship between SOT and our resident veterans. As a…

November 11 Veteran’s Day – save the date!

If you’re new to Robson Ranch, please save the date! Please join us at the main Clubhouse for a full day of activities. For those who have lived here, you understand the full extent of activities on Veterans Day, and we look forward to seeing you again. 9:00 a.m.: Veterans Day Ceremony hosted by Robson…

SOT volunteers are rewarded

SOT shoppers loading up for troop care packages

Mike Hoernemann With waving flags and decorated floats, Robson residents demonstrated their patriotic fervor during the annual July 4 parade. One group of residents were also thinking, as they do every day of the year, of their loved ones serving in dangerous and hostile environments thousands of miles from the safe confines of Robson Ranch.…

Featherheads donate to SOT

Left to right: Mike Hoernemann, Doyle Hicks, Roger Wells and Jim Downer

Sam Goodrich The Featherheads made a surprise visit to the monthly Support Our Troops meeting in July. Featherheads spokesman Doyle Hicks, accompanied by fellow Featherheads Roger Wells and Jim Downer, presented new SOT president Mike Hoernemann with a cash donation of $1,221. The Featherheads are a generous, informal group of Robson Ranch golfers who play…

Honoring those who served

Honored Robson Ranch Veterans on Memorial Day

Kathleen Wazny Memorial Day, a day of remembrance and honor. A day of raising the flag and remembering those who died defending it. Robson Ranch is home to hundreds of veterans. All branches of service are represented here, and many of the hundreds and hundreds are combat veterans. Robson Ranch Support Our Troops hosted a…

Fidelity SOT Charity Golf – more record fundraising

2016 SOT Golf Military Guests

Sam Goodrich Last month’s Fidelity Support Our Troops charity golf tournament continued the string of record fundraising. While the 2016 tournament field was slightly smaller than 2015 (122 participants including 29 military), charity fundraising increased from the record $18,000 made last year to a new record of $19,258 at this year’s tournament. Out of the…

SOT honors Robson Ranch Military

Armed Forces Day flag display volunteers

Sam Goodrich On Armed Forces Day, 20 Support Our Troops flag display volunteers placed 180 American flags on the median of Ed Robson Blvd all the way to the Robson Ranch Clubhouse. The display honored not just the 75 relatives of Robson Ranch residents serving in the military but also all members of every military…