Tag: Support Our Troops

The National Guard – always ready, always there

Charles Runner, President, Support Our Troops Our Nation’s military history began on December 13, 1636 in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. By decree, all able bodied males between 16 and 60 had to join the militia. It was not so much to protect the New World settlers from Indians as it was to protect them from…

SOT Silent Auction—another record

Table with Americana items immediately inside the clubhouse entrance.

Charles Runner, President Support Our Troops Support Our Troops wishes to thank all who made donations to our Veterans Day Silent Auction and to those who participated in the auction. SOT members solicited businesses and individuals and collected 407 items valued at over $47,400 and over $3,300 in cash donations. Members staffed the SOT auction…

Happy Birthday to the Marine Corps

Charles Runner, President, Support Our Troops The Marine Corps will celebrate its 239th birthday on November 10. There will be Marine Corps balls and parties throughout the world wherever Marines are on active duty and where who are retired are located. Partying hardy is fitting for the Marines since the Marine Corps was born in…

Shopping for the Troops

Shoppers from left: Norm Napora, Donna Chaber and Gary Pniewski.

Charles Runner, President SOT Support Team. SOT is honored to support relatives of Robson Ranch residents, especially those who are deployed overseas. We send monthly shipments to those deployed in combat zones. To accomplish this mission, two support teams comprised of SOT volunteers headed by Donna Chabot and Valerie Tarren shop, pack and ship via…

SOT Silent Auction November 11

Charles Runner, President, Support Our Troops The annual SOT Silent Auction will officially open at 10:00 a.m. on Veterans Day, November 11, in the clubhouse and will close at 9:00 p.m. We anticipate over 350 items to bid on including Americana, holiday items, stamped card sets, arts and crafts, gifts, jewelry, home décor, a huge…