Board Candidate Kevin Andrews Dear Homeowners, My name is Kevin Andrews. I am seeking re-election to the Robson Ranch HOA Board of Directors. I am pleased to share that I seek this re-election with the unanimous endorsement of the HOA Board members. As a current board member, I have been involved in improving the quality…
Tag: vote
Clubs & Classes, February 2024
Voting Location Rescued
Tim McCormick Early voting begins Feb. 20, and thanks to the efforts of members of the Republican Club and Republican Texas legislators, it will be in the clubhouse for all residents of Robson Ranch! Previously under the Texas Election Code, voting on Election Day had to occur in the precinct in which you lived. This…
Clubs & Classes, February 2024
With Democrats, When Action Meets Compassion, Lives Change

Vicki Baker There is one party united in service to Texans and dedicated to the belief that everyone in the Lone Star State has the right to build a life for themselves and their families. That’s the Texas Democratic Party. We admit we’re embarking on a challenging journey as we work to regain momentum here,…
Clubs & Classes, January 2024
Your Vote Really Counts!
Tim McCormick You are very important. We as a group are incredibly important! Yes, we live in a great country and, yes, we have a government that gives us the opportunity to vote to choose our representatives and leaders. But we really make an impact when so many of us get out and vote consistently,…
October 2014
Issues that may affect your wallet
Communication Committee On the November 4 ballot (early voting October 20-31) there are seven propositions for voters to consider. Denton voter turnout has been less than 10% of registered voters in recent elections. This means that fewer than 10% of the voters decide the fate for all of the residents in Denton County! Regardless of…