Category: June 2019

Support Our Troops

Fidelity SOT charity golf tournament raises $20,800 Sam Goodrich The 2019 edition of the Fidelity Support Our Troops charity golf tournament raised a near record $20,800. Pristine weather coupled with the generous support of our Robson Ranch community and area tournament sponsors made this year’s tournament one of the most successful ever. One hundred percent…

Republican Club holds annual Spring Banquet

Rebecca Bafford The Robson Ranch Republican Club held its “end of the season” Spring Banquet in May with special guest speaker, Republican Party of Texas Chairman, James Dickey. The evening began with a social hour and special background piano music by Rebecca Bafford. Giving the invocation was our incoming vice-president, Paul Vicalvi, and Terry Hitch…

Sigma Chi celebrate Derby Day

Dave Parker The brothers of Sigma Chi at Robson Ranch celebrated the running of the Kentucky Derby in fine fashion at the Wildhorse Grill. The event was organized by brother Chuck Newcomer who took event planning to a new level. The board room at the Grill was decorated with Sigma Chi and horse racing decorations.…

Welcome New Neighbors

Robson Ranch welcomes the following new homeowners to the Ranch: James and Mary Jane Anderson, Tom and Karen Bauer, Walter and Kathy Bryan, Lori Carter and Robert Cherenko, Bruce and Joyce Condit, Sean and Cynthia Curry, Jerry and Carol Culkin, James and Susan Grigson, Edward and Eleanor Hartmann, Dennis and Dorothy Holt, Donna Leyendecker, Neil…

Friends keep the library hopping!

What is a friend? And why does the library need them? According to Webster, a friend is a favored companion, often promoting something of interest! So, what is the Friends of the Library (FOL) all about? Simply put, it exists to support the library—in all ways possible. That includes increasing awareness of the library and…

Feast for the heart

Sherry Zeise The day before Mother’s Day, New Life Church Ladies’ Lunch Bunch gathered for our annual Mother/Daughter Luncheon once more at the Sidewalk Café at Unicorn Lake. Gracious and generous owners Sam and Susi Pyeatt welcomed us like special family members and laid out an awesome buffet with abundant green salad with special dressings,…