Deb Williams Voices United (VU), a Robson Ranch progressive women’s group, organizes multiple fundraisers each year supporting community organizations. One such event is VU’s annual IGNITE fundraiser. IGNITE is a national, non-partisan 501(c)(3) that helps young women become the next generation of political leaders. They train women at schools and colleges in Texas—including UNT and Texas Woman’s…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, September 2020
Republican Club Update

Amy Enloe Despite the coronavirus pandemic, the Robson Ranch Republican Club has been busy at the clubhouse signing up new members as well as renewing memberships from previous years. Currently, we will be at the clubhouse for membership sign ups on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 to 11 a.m. through October 2. Please check HOA…
Clubs & Classes, September 2020
Car Club Spotlight on Ricke Rubin’s Double Nickel Delivery

Ron Hoeberling The Rollin’ Ranchers Car Club members have a variety of cars from old to new, from antique to classic, and from sports cars to street rods. This is a story about Ricke Rubin’s 1955 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery street rod—The Double Nickel Delivery. When Ricke and his wife Pam moved from Illinois to Robson Ranch…
Clubs & Classes, September 2020
Horseshoe Tournament at the Ranch

Ellen Gilgore Horseshoe activity became a bit more competitive at the Ranch with the introduction of an ongoing tournament held on Monday evenings. Joey Misiaszek is overseeing this well-organized tournament to be sure everyone has a chance at being crowned the winner. It will run for a yet to be determined number of weeks. Those…
Clubs & Classes, September 2020
Georgies Interactive Pigments

Pat Bender Every potter knows a good glaze can make any vessel beautiful. The Pottery Studio now has a new manufacturer to use for glazing. Georgies Interactive Pigments are an interesting way to show texture on the pottery piece and to keep the natural lines of the vessel. The eight interactive pigment colors are golden straw, autumn…
Clubs & Classes, September 2020
Bingo, Bingo, Bingo!
Kathy Perry It’s back! Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch (KCRR) presents Bingo Blast. Bingo Blast is Sunday, September 27 Robson Ranch Clubhouse 1:30 to 4 p.m. More than $1,300 in cash prizes Limited to 180 people Masks required in building Free tickets available starting September 2, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 to 11 a.m. Purchase…
Clubs & Classes, September 2020
Sassy Stampers: Say It with Sunflowers

JoAnn Gantos A bright cheerful sunflower surprise pop-up card was the Sassy Stampers August project. Once again, Tami Fenton provided another Facebook live recorded video that was posted on August 15. We are so grateful for this new technology that is keeping our club active. Another great thing about Facebook live is the video is stored…
Features, Clubs & Classes, September 2020
Rockin’ Red Ranchers “Cook with Carol”

Linda Terry How do you attend a cooking class during a quarantine? Rockin’ Red Ranchers (RRR) had an idea. Carol Ritchie is a 2001 James Beard Award Nominee for “Best Local Television Cooking Show.” Her show is called “Cookin’ With Carol.” Carol is a recipe developer and volunteer spokesperson for American Heart Association cookbooks. Her…
Clubs & Classes, September 2020
Robson Riders Motorcycle Club: Here and There, but not too Far

Stan Brein On August 11, the club had a breakfast ride to the Golden Egg Cafe in Bartonville. Joseph Ace, Vicki and Scott Baker, Pam and Dennis Dotson, Marti and Mike Conley, Jim Sico, Steve Haugen, Neil Schaefer, Ted Soprenuk, Steve Wiley, and Stan Brein set out at 7:45 a.m. Vicki competently handled the ride…
Clubs & Classes, September 2020
Social Dancers Discover the Elements of Dance

Susan Supak After several weeks of self-quarantine, several resident couples laid aside internal conflict and cautiously ventured out July 2. Their destination: the Fitness Center classroom. Their mission: refresh the spirit, get some exercise, and renew acquaintances. The pivotal moment came when they were met with a hand-held, no-contact forehead thermometer plus friendly faces and…