Joan Muyskens Pursley Friends of the Library (FOL) is hosting a jigsaw puzzle contest in the RR Library on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 22 and 23. You are invited to form a team of three, sign up in the library for a time slot (10 a.m. or 2 p.m.), then choose a 500-piece puzzle and…
Category: Generals
Generals, November 2019
Wreath raffle winners
Generals, November 2019
Fur friendly Santa is coming to town

Sandi Price Bring your fur babies and your grandchildren for Christmas photos with Santa, Nov. 16, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Open to all. Cost is $10 for members and $15 for non-members. You will receive one 5 x 7 print plus multiple high-resolution digital jpgs emailed to you. The jpgs will be suitable for…
Generals, November 2019
HOA Presents UNT ViolUNTi Concert January 28
Shelbi Berg The UNT ViolUNTi Concert is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2020. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with the concert starting at 7 p.m., in the Clubhouse Ballroom. Tickets are $10. The HOA is presenting a concert by the UNT Music Department. Tickets will be available Monday–Friday 9 a.m.–4 p.m. at the Activities Director’s…
Generals, November 2019
The Lynnbrook Lederhosen Society holds annual BlocktOberfest

Stan Brein The Lynnbrook Lederhosen Society held their annual BlocktOberfest on Oct. 24. Kathy and Steve Bailey graciously opened their house for the event. With a variety of sausages and meat procured from Fischer’s Market in Muenster, Texas, Grillmaster Jeff Duncan managed the cooking of the delicacies until they were just right for serving. These beauties…
Generals, November 2019
Horseshoes at Senior Olympics

Ellen Gilgore What a Senior Olympics at the horseshoe pits this year. Thirteen residents competed in three competitions. The matches were extremely close and we never have seen so many ringers being made and then topped by the opponent. In the end, returning as the number one horseshoe thrower and gold medal winner was Bob Cook.…
Generals, November 2019
Sixth annual Robson Ranch EggFest benefits Patriot PAWS

Shirley Johnson EggFests are held all over the U.S. as a celebration and appreciation for the Big Green Egg grill and all of its cooking versatility! This gathering of “eggheads” is a place to see an egg in action and talk with “master eggheads” to learn new and exciting cooking techniques and recipes. Support Our…
Generals, November 2019
2019 Robson Ranch Olympics

Sandi Price This year’s Olympics was a resounding success with over 150 participants. Bocce was the largest event with over half of the total Olympic participants enrolled. Hula hoop was a new event introduced this year as well as a new golf tournament, and a new t-shirt design. After all of the participants’ hard work,…
Generals, November 2019
Robson residents take a golf course tour

Dennis Anderson Robson Ranch Denton held a golf course tour for homeowners on Oct. 18 and what a great turn out! Over 850 residents toured the courses on a beautiful day. The residents toured the original 9-hole course and then proceeded to the new 9-hole course that was just completed. We toured the new course…
Generals, November 2019
The Hot Yeah rocks Robson
Robert Wrenn Robson Ranch concert goers were treated to a great time on Saturday Oct. 12 when local band The Hot Yeah performed. After a dinner of chicken fajitas with all the fixings, the sold out crowd was treated to a non-stop playlist of rock that kept the dance floor packed. The band played hits…