It’s Sign Time!

Tim McCormick We’re in full political season, and that means it’s sign time! Political signs are popping up, and they will remain up until right after the primary election on March 5, regardless of whether you are Republican or Democrat. Technically, you could have put up political yard signs as of Dec. 5 but, thankfully,…

Rockin’ Reds Enjoy Christmas Tea and Crafts

Celia Hall Our hosts created a fun afternoon break from our holiday preparations. We made scented sugar scrubs and bags of lavender sachet. We selected lovely patterned emery boards and made sleeves from folded cardboard to put them in. There was a selection of jewels to bedazzle them with, and we enjoyed showing them off…

Democratic Club Members Celebrated the Holidays

Jane Scholz Members of the Robson Ranch Democratic Club enjoyed the club’s holiday festivities on Dec. 7 in the clubhouse with two “surprise guests” who rapped about politics. In lieu of a visit from Santa, two club members showed up in costume as U.S. Congressmen and performed a humorous rap about current political issues in…

Your Vote Really Counts!

Tim McCormick You are very important. We as a group are incredibly important! Yes, we live in a great country and, yes, we have a government that gives us the opportunity to vote to choose our representatives and leaders. But we really make an impact when so many of us get out and vote consistently,…

Voices United 2024 First Monthly Meeting and 2023 Year-in-Review

Tiffany Ramzy Voices United is a non-partisan women’s group who share progressive values, perform community outreach, provide civic awareness and social contact for members, and have a good time. Each month on the first Saturday there is a monthly general meeting/luncheon (often with a guest speaker in attendance). There are also regular monthly scheduled independent…