Tag: Republican Club

Robson Ranch Republican Club Event Highlights

Laurie Wiginton 2024 has kicked off brilliantly for our members, making a significant impact across the county. Our club hosted numerous Meet and Greets, engaging with important candidates during dinners. During early voting, our members have been actively involved as poll greeters at various locations throughout Denton County. Not only did they greet at the…

Elections Aren’t Over Yet!

Tim McCormick We’ve now all seen the results—and fallout—from Super Tuesday. I can’t speak specifically about any of it, because I’m actually writing this more than a week before that election to meet the deadline for this paper. But one thing is for certain—it ain’t over yet! Republicans are almost guaranteed a primary runoff election…

Republican Club Hosts Candidate Q&A

Tim McCormick On Jan. 3 the Robson Ranch Republican Club hosted a Q&A event for those seeking to run for Congress in the district that covers Robson Ranch—Texas Congressional District 26. With the announcement from Rep. Dr. Michael Burgess that he would not be seeking re-election, the floodgates opened for candidates, and there are now…

Voting Location Rescued

Tim McCormick Early voting begins Feb. 20, and thanks to the efforts of members of the Republican Club and Republican Texas legislators, it will be in the clubhouse for all residents of Robson Ranch! Previously under the Texas Election Code, voting on Election Day had to occur in the precinct in which you lived. This…

Republican Club’s Holiday Gala

Julie Greenawalt and Tim McCormick The Robson Ranch Republican Club celebrated the holidays with their inaugural Christmas Gala held on Dec. 6 in the clubhouse ballroom, which was elegantly decorated by the Special Events Committee. Esteemed Denton Mayor Gerard Hudspeth was the emcee for an evening of roasting and toasting of Sheriff Tracy Murphree for…

It’s Sign Time!

Tim McCormick We’re in full political season, and that means it’s sign time! Political signs are popping up, and they will remain up until right after the primary election on March 5, regardless of whether you are Republican or Democrat. Technically, you could have put up political yard signs as of Dec. 5 but, thankfully,…

Your Vote Really Counts!

Tim McCormick You are very important. We as a group are incredibly important! Yes, we live in a great country and, yes, we have a government that gives us the opportunity to vote to choose our representatives and leaders. But we really make an impact when so many of us get out and vote consistently,…

Republican Club Gives Back, Gets Informed

Lynne Kelsey In the spirit of the holiday season that has just gotten underway, the Robson Ranch Republican Club gave back to the community at their November meeting. Guest Mark Burroughs, chair of the Volunteer Services Council, told those gathered about the residents at the Denton State Supported Living Center, some of whom have been…

Republican Club Members Honored

Tim McCormick The Denton County Republican Party (DCRP) held its annual Volunteer Dinner on Nov. 16, and this year Robson Ranch was represented and honored in force! Each year the County Republican Party honors the most effective and impactful volunteers of the last year. Most clubs have one person honored, but this year the Robson…

National Committeewoman Coming to Robson

Tim McCormick The Republican Club is excited to announce that the National Committeewoman from Texas from the Republican National Committee (RNC), Toni Anne Dashiell, will be our guest speaker for the November monthly meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 1, at 6 p.m. in the clubhouse! There is only one committeeman and one committeewoman from each state on…