Category: Front Page

The After Schoolers Club Wants You! Join Us!

Darla Chupp It is definitely the dog days of summer!  However, the members of the After Schoolers Club are eagerly looking for cooler weather along with the opening of Denton schools that are right around the corner. The After Schoolers officers have already had planning sessions for the school year anticipating that our local teachers…

Pickleball Skills Development

Sherril Kerr and Donna Henry

Dave Parker No matter what level a pickleball player is, there is always some skill to work on. The person at Robson Ranch Pickleball Club that oversees all skill development is Donna Henry. Donna is charged with organizing and developing skills development programs tailored to the needs of each level within the club. Clinics focus…

Robson Ranchers Donate 8,373 Masks

Marguerite Rose and Sandi Price The Material Girls Club whizzed past their goal of 5,000 masks with a final total of 8,373 masks made in 54 days. In the beginning, Marguerite Rose, founder of the club, commented, “I doubt you’ll get 100 masks made.” After all the masks were completed, she joked, “If you had…

Practicing Social Distancing While Aging Strong

Bonnie Fickey Active Aging Group Fitness by Bonnie returns to normal action with phase one workouts in the parking lot of the Creative Arts Technical Center while practicing social distancing using flex cones as markers and workout props. Bonnie Fickey, instructor, offers fun, creative, and effective workouts for active agers with benefits over risks to…

The American Flag


Sam Karr I am 18 years old, wearing rain-soaked clothes for seven straight days, suffering from jungle rot and hunger and fatigue, fighting off ticks and leeches in a country I never knew, trying not to get killed. I am a Marine in Vietnam, and I am in constant fear. Can you imagine the feelings…

Library Friends Starts Virtual Monthly Reading Group

The New Yorker has something for everyone!

Jane Scholz Friends of the Library (FOL) is starting a monthly New Yorker Magazine Reading Club open to all Robson residents. For now, the group will meet via the online meeting application Zoom. You don’t need to be a member of FOL to participate—our activities are for the enjoyment of all Robson Ranch (RR) residents! Of…