Fourth Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt

Cynthia Drury Bring your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc., ages 12 and under for Fellowship At The Ranch’s Fourth Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 30. Get ready for a fun time searching for candy-filled Easter eggs. Each child will receive an Easter bag to put their eggs in. The Easter Egg Hunt will…

Tennis Club Looking Forward to a Fun Year on the Courts

Ralph Berry Spring tennis is in full swing at Robson Ranch, with social events planned and drop-in tennis every week. The Robson Ranch Tennis Club annual meeting was held on Feb. 8 where members learned about planned court improvements, upcoming social events, and updated drop-in and scheduled tennis play. Annual membership in the Tennis Club…

Jewish Friendship Group: Let’s Get Together

Stan Brein The Jewish Friendship Group (JFG) met this past month once again after a year-long hiatus. It is always great to have an opportunity to socialize with folks with whom you have a common heritage. Recent world events make the opportunity to meet and dialogue all the more important. Members were surveyed prior to…

Rock & Roll Martini Group Rocks Eric Clapton

Dave Parker The February house band (host) for the Rock & Roll Martini Group was Nancy and Jimmy Burns. Jimmy (best known for being the greatest chef in the Navy during his active-duty days) and Nancy chose Eric Clapton as the featured artist for the evening. Eric Clapton is one of the greatest English rock…