Joan Muyskens Pursley The Library Subcommittee is excited to present its second Robson Ranch Authors program, this one featuring Lavelle Carlson. It will be held in the library on Thursday, Jan. 16, 2025, at 2 p.m. Lavelle is the author of numerous children’s books and teaching manuals. Her program will cover the how-tos of writing…
Tag: library
Generals, March 2024
Friends of the Library – March 2024
Generals, January 2024
Library’s Fabulous First
Joan Muyskens Pursley David Carlton, Klaus Dannenberg, and Dale Spaulding presented an amusing, poignant, and informative program in our library on Dec. 8. Each of these men has written a book, or in Dr. Carlton’s case, five books, that are very personal to them, yet of wide interest for others. Organized by the RR Library…
Features, September 2023
Thanks to the Robson Residents Who Responded to the Library Survey
In January of 2023 the Robson Ranch Denton HOA Board asked the Facilities Committee to conduct a study of the library to ensure that it is functioning effectively as an amenity of the HOA. The Facilities Committee created an ad hoc committee to do that study. The committee created a three-prong approach: (1) review the…
Front Page, July 2023
Help Keep the Library on Track
Jane Scholz Friends of the Library is asking Robson residents to renew their support for our community library in the CATC building this month. The neighborhood group is also open to new members—any Robson resident who will donate $10 per year to keep our library on track. More than one in four Robson residents use…
Generals, March 2023
How Well Do You Know Your Library Volunteers?
Joan Muyskens Pursley As you may know, our library is staffed by resident volunteers. Most work a two-hour shift every week, although there are about a dozen who cannot commit to a regular schedule, so they serve as substitutes on days the weekly volunteers have a scheduling conflict, such as a vacation or medical appointment.…
Generals, September 2022
Denton Public Library Has Scheduled Two Fall Visits to the Robson Ranch Library
Linda Bono Mark your calendars! The Denton Public Library (DPL) will be providing two helpful and informative programs in our Robson Ranch Library this fall. On Sept. 21 they’ll offer the very popular Denton Public Library Cards and E-Reader Assistance Program. On Oct. 12 they’ll return with a presentation on the Denton Public Library Makerspace…
Generals, July 2022
Friends of the Library: We’ve Done So Much; There’s More to Do!
Generals, April 2022
Library Patrons’ Reading Preferences
Joan Muyskens Pursley In last month’s Pioneer Press, the Library Board asked residents to take a short “What Do You Like to Read?” survey. The first 100 surveys have been tallied, and the results are below. However, we need at least another 100 of you to participate in this survey to have a more accurate…
Generals, November 2021
Friends of the Library
Meet Robson Library’s Collections Committee Joan Muyskens Pursley Among our library’s many volunteers are four women who not only work the desk, but also manage our collections. Marcia Elving, Elaine Kushmaul, Patricia (Patti) Rea, and Diane van Naerssen work many hours a week processing new donations, updating and maintaining the database, and culling and weeding…