Tag: meetings

Robson Ranch Conservatives

Robin Bernier The Robson Ranch Conservatives meet every third Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the clubhouse. Our first speaker was a leading citizen advocate in the State of Texas, Michael Quinn Sullivan. Michael is the publisher of Texas Scorecard, which provides news, information, and commentary about the issues facing the Lone Star State. He reminded…

Do You Have a Safety Net?

Mary Ornberg The Safety Net program is based on a simple premise: A person who is alone (the Home Aloner) and wants the feeling of safety that comes with letting someone know they are okay by a text or phone call checks in daily or twice daily with a volunteer (the Safety Net person) who…

Fellas, this Ain’t Your Granddaddy’s Fish Camp

Scott Baker What happens when you combine southern hospitality, scrumptious gourmet meals, a lodge nestled on three acres of oak woods, a top-notch team of experienced guides, and a world-class fishing habitat? You get the all-inclusive Back Lakes Lodge located in Rockport, Texas. The RR Fishing Club just returned to this premier lodge on the…