Tag: Support Our Troops

Kiwanis Club

Kiwanis Service Day at New Hope Equine Therapy Center William Wright, Kathy Perry Kiwanis Club Robson Ranch (KCRR) wants to thank the members who gave up part of their Sunday to participate. We had a beautiful day and a good time doing various chores, which were very much appreciated by the folks at New Hope.…

Support Our Troops

  Lynne Moore Support Our Troops monthly meeting took place on Aug. 9, with 40 people in attendance. We currently have 178 paid members of SOT. You do not have to have been in the military to be a part of SOT, and if you have a relative presently serving in the armed forces, let us…

Support Our Troops

Lynne Moore Support Our Troops (SOT) was so happy to be a big part of the July 4 Independence Day parade at the Ranch. We even had the Argyle Young Men’s Service League (YMSL) group of young men and their moms joining us to give out candy to the folks lined up to watch the…

The Eagle Has Landed for Sassy Stampers

JoAnn Gantos The Sassy Stampers held the first in-person meeting since the pandemic began. Our last in- person meeting was held February, 2020. After 16 months and with extra precaution, we actually held two meetings to reduce the amount of people in the room. It was a complete success and a greater delight to see…

U.S. Military History: Independence Day

Ross Dunfee The first successful English colony settled in America was at Jamestown, Va., in 1607—and the migration was on—primarily of British, German, and Dutch extraction, but immigrants arrived from throughout Europe. Communities were settled and financed primarily by privately-organized British settlers or families using free enterprise without any significant English royal or Parliamentary government…

Support Our Troops

Lynne Moore The Support Our Troops (SOT) annual golf tournament was held on April 30 and was a huge success. Even though we could not invite military from the various bases and host them in our homes because of the pandemic, we were able to have over 130 golfers, including two military, who are relatives of…

Save the Date for Charity Golf Tournament on April 30

Military and Fidelity guests 2019

Sam Goodrich The Fidelity Investments Support Our Troops charity golf tournament will take place on Friday, April 30, on the Wildhorse Golf Course, at Robson Ranch. Any Robson Ranch resident interested in playing in the tournament can find entry information on the Support Our Troops website at www.supportourtroopstexas.com or can pick up an entry form in the…

Virtual Auction Was a Success for SOT

Lynne Moore On Veterans Day, Support Our Troops (SOT) held its very first virtual auction. We had some wonderful items that had been generously donated by members and others from Robson and outside our gates. Thank you all for buying things that will help us this next year in shipping much needed and wanted items…