Rockin’ the Ranch Concert Series: Redline Drift

Darryl Williams, Tom Doty, and Stan Brein Jake and Elwood Blues said it, “We’re putting the band back together.” As interpreted by the Robson Ranch Classic Rock Club: “Let’s put the Concert Series back together.” Sometimes, the perfect storm creates something awesome. Everyone was eager to get out and have a good time. Local bands…

Robson Riders Motorcycle Club: Go North to Go South!

Stan Brein Motorcyclists pride themselves on a good sense of direction. We traditionally used dead reckoning to move toward and arrive at our intended geographic goal. Literally six or seven calculations per minute would be swirling within our collective craniums to guide us toward the hallowed piece of cheese at the end of the maze:…

Silver Steppers Funk It Up

Tap Communications Dance your way to health with a full brain/body workout! Why should you join the Silver Steppers tap class of beginners and enhance your health? Here’s why… * Forget aerobics class—tap dancing is a great cardio workout. We’re dancing to ‘get your groove on’ music (currently it’s “Uptown Funk”) that entices us to…

Living Well Committee

Claudia J. Caporale About 20 health-conscious residents eagerly attended our pre-Easter walk on April 3, braving the cooler-than-expected windy morning. Orange cones on the street, arrowed signs, and attendees wearing yellow jackets, paved the way back to the clubhouse for a special treat. More walks are scheduled. Check for updates on days and times. Welcome…

Word of the Month: Ontology

David Zapatka Last month’s column on “negentropy” elicited this response from a reader, “My thermodynamics class was at 8 a.m. and I slept through that particular law. Thanks for the review albeit a little late to do anything with it.” There’s an art to scheduling university classes and avoiding 8 a.m. classes was one of…