Tag: Democratic Club

The Democratic Club’s Local Focus

Vicki Baker These days it’s hard to go two minutes without hearing news scrutinizing every facet of our federal government. With the overwhelming majority of media attention focused at the national level, local government is too often overlooked. Yet, in fact, the decisions, policies, and ordinances that matter most to the day-to-day affairs of our…

Democratic Club Celebrates America’s Birthday

Vicki Baker America celebrated the 245th anniversary of its founding over the July 4th weekend. It was a time to show our patriotism and extol our freedoms. It was a time to come together after more than a year curtailed by coronavirus pandemic restrictions, greeting each other with hugs, handshakes, and high-fives, emphasizing the importance…

Democratic Club hosts  spring social

Having a “donkey” good time.

Vicki Baker The Robson Ranch Democratic Club (DCRR) shares a common political philosophy, but in May, they also shared good times and laughs at the club’s spring Margarita and Hamburger Social. Members gathered on the Wildhorse Grill’s patio for food, friends and fun. The social committee’s Margo Ways, Susan Engstrom, Phyllis Ayers, Jan Lands, Janie…

Democratic Club news

Karen McDaniels, member of Denton’s first Ethics Board.

Vicki Baker Few things are as disappointing as reading a news story that reveals allegations of corruption and wrongdoing in city government. It takes only one scandal to give the public the impression that elected officials are not to be trusted. How can local officials build the community’s trust in city government? By cultivating a…

Democratic Club slam dunks the junk

Vicki Baker Did Robson Ranch Road look a bit cleaner over the past several months? The Democratic Club RR hit the road again in October for its quarterly Adopt-a-Road-Clean Up event. Prior to getting started, the county was asked to mow both sides of the road in advance making the clean-up a bit easier and…

Democratic Club – looking back, moving foward

Vicki Baker There’s just something special about this time of year – the lights, the parties, the brisk, chilly air. There’s also a renewed energy and optimism about going into the new year. It’s a time to recognize our accomplishments and define what it means for Democrats moving forward. The highs and lows of 2018…

Democratic Club readies for “here comes the judge”

Vicki Baker Often referred to as “The People’s Court”, the Justice of the Peace is the legal jurisdiction closest to the average citizen. Required by the Texas Constitution, these lower courts have jurisdiction over minor criminal offenses and minor civil cases. Among their duties, the justices handle traffic tickets, small claims civil litigation, landlord or…

Democratic Club hosts Blue Wave social

Vicki Baker The Democratic Club of Robson Ranch recently hosted it’s “Blue Wave Margarita and Hamburger Social”. Members gathered on the Wildhorse Grill’s patio for food, friends and fun. The social committee’s Phyllis Ayers, Janie Cindric, Tracy Olson, Susan Engstrom, Patti Kelly, Margo Ways, Kay Pfister and Janice Stanton coordinated the event making it a…

Democratic Club gets into the green scene

Vicki Baker More than 60 percent of trash that ends up in landfills can be recycled. Plastics take around 500 years to decompose; aluminum cans take up to 200 years; batteries take 100 years; glass takes millions of years and Styrofoam never decomposes. Living in Denton, you likely do some form of recycling of paper,…