Tag: events

Your Vote Really Counts!

Tim McCormick You are very important. We as a group are incredibly important! Yes, we live in a great country and, yes, we have a government that gives us the opportunity to vote to choose our representatives and leaders. But we really make an impact when so many of us get out and vote consistently,…

Wrapping Up 2023 with ‘A Splash of Color’

Sandy Hestes In a captivating session, artist Judy Riffel guided Robson residents through an impactful lesson on watercolor techniques, brush usage, color theory, and achieving the best consistency of paint and water. The workshop, sponsored by the Paint & Palette Club, was the final “Third Monday Art Experience” for 2023. A particularly engaging aspect of…

Robson Ranch HOA New Year’s Eve Party

The HOA and Wildhorse Grill are teaming up to bring you a New Year’s Eve Party on Sunday, Dec. 31, in the Robson Ranch clubhouse. Doors open at 8 p.m., and the New York Ball Drop will be at 11 p.m. Tickets are $85 per person. There will be a heavy assortment of elevated hors…

Library Volunteers: Pillars of Community Service

Lorraine Wilson The heart of Robson Ranch beats within the walls of its beloved library where a dedicated team of 75 resident volunteers devotes countless hours to ensure its doors are open and welcoming seven days a week. These tireless individuals keep the library alive and thriving, fostering an environment that resonates with warmth and…

A Merry Christmas at the Ranch

Frances Hackley, Publicity Chair Get your “Merry” on when the Robson Ranch Choir performs “Christmas at the Ranch” on Saturday, Dec. 16, at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 17, at 4 p.m. Tickets for this very merry concert will be for sale for $16 on PayPal now through Dec. 13 via our website, rrmusicclub.com, and…

Trivia Night 2024 Schedule

Erminja Maganja, VP, RR Trivia Club Trivia lovers will be pleased to learn that the Trivia Club has secured four dates to enjoy game night in 2024. All will occur on Thursday nights at 7 p.m. in the clubhouse ballroom with the following schedule: Feb. 15, May 2, Aug. 22, and Nov. 14. Generally, ticket…

Pastor’s Corner

Jim Mann “For while we were still helpless, at the right time, Christ died for the ungodly” (Romans 5:6). I was 18 and in my senior year of high school. It was Oct. 14, 1987, when 18-month-old Jessica McClure fell into a well at her aunt’s house in Midland, Texas. Americans were glued to the…