Tag: Republican Club

Belles of the Fall

Jan Brefczynski As Emily Bronte wrote, “Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the Autumn tree.” Come share a meal with Republican Club ladies and hear about “FALL-ing” in zero gravity from former NASA Aerospace Engineer, Astronaut Crew Instructor, USAF medical test subject, space shuttle Flight Integration Manager, International Space Station and Payload Safety…

Republican Club Members Hear Governor’s Advisor

Machelle Burtless The Denton County Administrative Courthouse room was packed on July 20 to hear Steve Munisteri, an attorney and advisor to Governor Greg Abbott. A group of interested Robson Ranch Republican Club members was among those in attendance. Mr. Munisteri highlighted legislation that has passed and has been signed into law by Governor Abbott.…

Republican Club: Active in So Many Things!

Tim McCormick If you attended the annual Robson Ranch Independence Day Parade, you saw that the Republican Club presented another great float, keeping the bar high for this wonderful tradition! Our float displayed the phrase from the U.S. Constitution, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men were created equal …” and “God…

Thanks, Republicans!

Tim McCormick, President of the Republican Club On Wednesday, May 24, the Republican Club held its end-of-year awards dinner at the clubhouse after a banner year for the club! More than a dozen awards were handed out, with gratitude being expressed for all the service and work that so many members have volunteered throughout the…

Busy Belles Celebrate Spring

Lynne Kelsey The Liberty Belles are one busy bunch! The women of the Republican Club welcomed spring with a variety of activities. On April 3 a group of ladies enjoyed Tea at the Bayless-Selby House Museum in the Denton County Historical Park, just south of Downtown Denton, which was both informative and delicious! In addition…

Republicans Fund Undies!

Judith Martin-Tafoya For most of us, having something as basic as a fresh, clean pair of underwear is a fact we take for granted. This is sadly not so for everyone in the Denton Community. Recently, the North Texas Collegiate Academy, an underserved charter school in Denton that is supported by the Republican Club Liberty…

Liberty Belles Are ‘Springing’ Into Action!

Lisa Gollihar Spring is a time when we all appreciate the changes happening around the Ranch—green grass, colorful flowers blossoming, bees buzzing, birds chirping, neighbors emerging from hibernation! The wind may be blowing up on the “hill,” but the cold of winter is gone (fingers crossed) and the heat of late summer has not arrived.…

The End of an Era

Tim McCormick, President of the Republican Club This March has brought sorrow for the Robson Ranch Republican Club and many folks who value voting out at the Ranch. We lost our stalwart election judge, past president, friend, and longtime resident of Robson Ranch, Jack Faegre. Jack stepped up not only when our club needed him,…

City Council Election and Bond Issue

Tim McCormick, President of the Republican Club What do you know about the upcoming City of Denton election or the Denton Independent School District (DISD) bond election? Election day for the city council election and the Denton ISD bond is Saturday, May 6, 2023. The Republican Club is hosting a City Council Debate/Forum on March…

Just What Does the Republican Club Do?

Tim McCormick, President It’s no secret that our community is heavily Republican and conservative, so it’s probably no surprise that the Republican Club is one of the larger clubs on the Ranch. But since we recently had an election, just what do we do now? There’s no state or national election to gear up for.…