Tag: Living Well Committee

From the Living Well Committee

It’s been a year of faith, hope, and prayer for many—love lost, new friendships, new strength, and new perspective on life—a time to close this year with reflection, good memories, and continued faith in God. No matter your situation, I hope you feel as blessed as I to have settled into a faith-loving, friendly, active…

Living Well Committee

Claudia J. Caporale Excitement and enthusiasm continue throughout the Ranch! Most committees and clubs are making holiday preparations—winding down their usual events and replacing them with special events. The Golf Course Tour on the evening of Oct. 12 was another big success, with residents forming a line from the clubhouse to journey through the four,…

Thank You Friends: Olympics Volunteers

S. A. Martin Thank you, Tena Pitts and Marcia Elving, for volunteering to take on the responsibility of Robson Ranch 2021 Olympics registration and distribution of the t-shirts. Tena and Marcia are new members of the Living Well Committee and by them volunteering, the Olympics was a success for our great community! Thanks to everyone…

Living Well Committee, Robson Ranch, Denton, Texas

Claudia J. Caporale September slipped in with cooler mornings—and club activities at the Ranch went gangbusters! More residents are walking daily, exercise classes are at full limits, bocce now has over 1,000 members and competition is heating up. Our Living Well monthly presentation was on Fraud and Identity Theft by the Denton-Area Teacher’s Credit Union (DACTU). Pat Sherman…

Living Well Committee Update

Claudia J. Caporale Congratulations to all the dedicated athletes who participated in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, and now it’s on to the Robson Ranch Olympics! We may not be winning bronze, silver, or gold medals, (because we already won those in our early careers, right?) but we can have fun challenging ourselves and enjoying a…

Living Well Committee’s Summer and Fall Events

Claudia Caporale Robson Ranch residents are definitely out and about! Golf carts are zooming around, the outdoor pool is in use under sunny skies, exercise activities and events are filled to capacity and landscapes are trimmed, colorful, and beautiful. Even the Friday Market is busier than ever. But perhaps the real evidence of being out…

Living Well Committee

Claudia J. Caporale Rain, rain go away—please! Summer is here and we all want to play! So many activities are now underway—the outdoor Grill patio is open, the Friday Market is flourishing (between raindrops) and now has additional vendors. Outdoor sports and exercise classes are in full swing, and the Living Well Committee is peaking…

Living Well Committee

Claudia J. Caporale About 20 health-conscious residents eagerly attended our pre-Easter walk on April 3, braving the cooler-than-expected windy morning. Orange cones on the street, arrowed signs, and attendees wearing yellow jackets, paved the way back to the clubhouse for a special treat. More walks are scheduled. Check for updates on days and times. Welcome…

Living Well

Claudia J. Caporale Hello spring! And welcome new neighbors. This winter challenged even those from the New England areas and Alaska. Most of us have never experienced such cold temperatures; but alas, spring is on its way! Time to get out and get moving—events and activities you’ll find through the Living Well Committee. Did you…

Living Well Committee Offers Blood Pressure Checks

Residents of Robson Ranch getting their blood pressure checked by volunteers from Klarus Home Care.

Gil Clifton, Living Well Committee member We are pleased to announce that we will be having a change of schedule for blood pressure checks here at the Ranch. We will be offering weekly checks beginning the first of February. You may already be aware of the change, from receiving HOA announcements on your email. The…